
„During a retreat we can interrupt the domination of our five senses. Through the practice of meditation, we can learn to perceive with a sixth sense instead, and realize the joy of samadhi.
The retreat experience helps us to build up inner strength and self-confidence, so that we can face the challenges and difficulties in our life and in our death. We come alone into this world, and we leave it alone. Therefore, it is essential to develop confidence into ourselves by doing retreats.

– H.H., the XVII. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje in Halscheid Retreat Center, 02.09.2015

Individual Retreats

In the retreat center you can perform individual retreats with your own practice. Retreatants of other Buddhist traditions are welcome, too.

Halscheid können individuelle Klausuren mit eigener Meditationspraxis durchgeführt werden. Auch Praktizierende anderer buddhistischer Traditionen sind willkommen. Für die Dauer des Aufenthaltes in Halscheid sind auch bei kurzen Retreats die Retreatregeln zu beachten. Die Regeln gelten, bis auf die Übungszeiten, auch für Kursteilnehmer.

Three Year-Retreat

The Three-Year Retreat is a very important form of retreat within Tibetan Buddhism, and especially within the Kagyü tradition. In such a retreat all important meditation practices of the Karma Kagyü tradition will be learned, and countless yogis in the past have become siddhas through these practices. Even if this high goal cannot be reached during the Three-Year Retreat, nevertheless the course is set toward this goal, so that it will be reached through intense practice at a later timepoint, according to Thrangu Rinpoche.